Mesin Autoclave 60 L / Proses
In Stock
Melunakkan tulang seperti ayam, bandeng,dll (fungsi presto).
Mensterilkan produk makanan sehingga lebih tahan lama, seperti rendang, dll.
Dimensi: + 50x50x90 cm
Material: Full Stainless Steel
Keranjang Vorporasi Stainless Steel d:3mm
Burner: LPG Stove
Pressure Gauge
Manual Thermo Control
Safety Valve
Emergency Valve
Operational Pressure 14,5 psi
Operational Temperature 100-110 oC
- Delivered today (order Mon-Fri before 12:00, delivery between 17:00 and 22:00)
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- Pick up at a collection point is possible
- 30 days to change your mind and free returns
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